Adult Surprise . . . Vest?

Many of you have made the Elizabeth Zimmermann Baby Surprise Jacket. Many of you, like me, have gone a step further and made the Adult Surprise Jacket. See my Ravelry page. Love the architectural design and the simple beauty of the garter stitch. I am finishing up my adaptation of this theme with an . . .wait for it . . . Adult Surprise Vest! I wanted the same look as the jacket, knitted in one piece with just shoulder seaming, but without the sleeves.Iin addition, I wanted to emphasize the shoulders (to make mine look broader) and to shape the waist in. My simple adaptation was to increase the angle of double-decrease turns much more sharply (every row) and simply not knit the sleeve stitches. Here is a pic of it almost finished but still on the needles. Have already seamed the shoulders.

Actually, I have now cast off and am installing the zipper. Yes, I have often put zippers on EZ’s sweaters to update the style.

And I like zippers :)..   Stay tuned for the finished product. I think it will look good on me i.e. hide flaws, flatter assets.